5 Simple DIY Maintenance Tips
Image Source WBTV On Your Side
Simple Maintenance Tips
Welcome to our short guide on some basic things most of us can do to help keep our cars running in tip top shape. By no means are the items on the list a replacement for an actual service with your mechanic, but it is a good practice to maintain your car to the best of your ability. Bear in mind if any maintenance or repair seems to complex to perform then contact your usual garage for assistance or a quote.
Car tyres are notoriously ignored by many until they go wrong with a puncture. The first thing to do is check your treads and make sure they’re sufficient. In the EU the minimum tyre tread is 1.6mm. The next thing to check is your tyre pressure. You can do this at many gas stations, usually you can check the sticker on the inside on the driver door to see the recommended. Having the right amount of air in your tyres can make your driving more economic.
Oil & Other Fluids
Oil Changes are the cornerstone of most services. If you have the equipment and know-how then this is a great habit to get into. However it’s more than just your oil that needs caring for. Things such as break fluid, transmission fluid, coolant and power steering fluid are all present in a car. You should be aware of all of these so that you can identify leaks or problems quickly, allowing for far cheaper repairs than if left unchecked. As a bonus, whilst you take your car in for an oil service, ask if they’d mind checking your belts and tubes, this will help prevent problems rather than solving for failure.
Lights might be the easiest part on your car to maintain. All you have to do is check them once in a while. Check your lights, high-beam, indicators, break and reverse light are all working. This can be done in a few minutes by simply activating the light and then checking it’s lit. In case of a failure most cars have quite straightforward bulb replacements (although not always). Another thing to consider is keeping your lights clean, as damage and dirt to the exterior parts of your cars lights can make them far less effective.
Air Filter
Cleaning and checking on your air filter is another simple and quick bit of maintenance you can do with your car. It’s often on held in by popping buttons or a few screws. The filter can be removed and cleaned or simply replaced. Having clean air intake is nothing but good for you car. Below is a picture of a typical air filter.
Image Source Cars.com
Windscreen Wipers & Fluid
Finally the last tip is to check your wipers. We are based in Spain so it’s not often we have to worry about rainstorms, but when it does pour countless people are caught out with ineffective, dried out wipers that don’t offer much assistance in visibility during the storms. You should replace any ineffective wipers on your car, they’re a cheap part to replace and it’s a simple job. Further more make sure your windscreen wiper fluid is topped off regularly. You wouldn’t want to be caught without any when you really need it.
Hopefully these simple yet common tricks can help you save money and increase the lifespan of your vehicle in a pinch. Preventing is much better than repairing so keeping an eye on the essentials is a great way to be a proactive car owner. We hope you enjoyed our tips.